UGEC Curriculum Proposals
You may now submit multiple change types in a single General Education Change Form, but only one of each type. If you need to submit more than one form, you may now choose to create a single General Education Change Addendum describing all the changes and attach it in each form submission.
- General Education Changes Form Worksheet (revised)
- Use this document to guide the collection of all the information needed to complete the online General Education Changes Form for the UGEC. The department chair or other representative of the unit proposing the change should provide the information on the worksheet that is relevant to the proposal and send it to the college/school UGEC representative.
- Potential required attachments for the online General Education Changes Form (consult the worksheet to determine which attachments you will need to complete). These attachments should be completed by the department chair or other proposing unit representative.
- General Education Change Addendum (revised)
- Syllabi (for course additions or for revisions that involve a category change or a change in competencies addressed)
- Complete gen ed program proposal, if proposing a new gen ed program.
- General Education Online Change Form for UGEC
- This form should only be completed and submitted by the UGEC representative from the college/school proposing the gen ed change.